How to Write Email Copy That Converts

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Writing email copy that converts can be the difference between a successful campaign and one that falls flat. 

The goal is to drive conversions by encouraging recipients to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or engaging with your brand.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create emails that resonate with your audience and inspire action:

Write a Killer Subject Line:

Create urgency or curiosity.

Use emojis if appropriate.

Preview the email’s content without giving everything away.

ExamplesOld Navy: “50% OFF ALL JEANS.”
EyeBuyDirect: “More Eyewear, More Savings! 😎💰”
Blenko Glass Company: “🚨 New Product Alert! Artist Series OrnamentsKeep it benefit-focused to grab attention.

Nailing the Preview Text

The preview text is a powerful tool to complement your subject line and increase your email open rates. It’s the snippet of text that appears next to or below the subject line in the inbox.

Tip: Ensure the preview text adds more value without repeating the subject line. Think of it as a second chance to hook your reader.Mobile devices often cut off long preview text, so keep it concise to ensure the full message is visible.Example:Subject Line: “New Arrivals: Fresh Summer Styles”
Preview Text: “Limited stock—shop the latest looks now.”Tip: Aim for 35-90 characters to ensure your preview text is fully visible across all devices and email clients.Avoid TruncationEnsure your preview text doesn’t get cut off awkwardly, which can confuse readers and lead to lower open rates.

Email Body Copy

Keep paragraphs short.

Make use of headings, bullet points, and white space for better readability.

Write as if you’re speaking to a friend. Avoid jargon and overly formal language.

Don’t overuse capital letters or exclamation marks, as this can make your email look like spam.        

Avoid empty promises.

Use sensory language to evoke emotion and inspire action.

Incorporate FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and social proof to encourage action.

Be Relevant with Segmentation:

Segmentation is key to sending highly targeted and personalised emails, resulting in better engagement rates. By breaking down your email list into specific groups, you can tailor your messages based on demographics, behaviour, or preferences, ensuring your content resonates with your audience.

How to Segment Effectively:Behavioral Segmentation: Segment your audience based on actions they’ve taken, such as recent purchases, website interactions, or email engagement. This allows you to send more relevant content, like product recommendations or re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers.Tip: Use purchase history to offer related products or special discounts for repeat customers.Demographic Segmentation: Group your audience by age, gender, location, or other demographic factors. This can help you create geographically relevant offers or age-specific content.Tip: For a winter clothing campaign, target regions experiencing colder weather, while sending different content to warmer regions.Interest-Based Segmentation: Identify what your subscribers are interested in by tracking their clicks, past purchases, or survey responses. Send them content that aligns with their preferences.Tip: If a segment of your audience shows interest in fitness, you could send them workout tips, related product recommendations, or fitness-related discounts.Lifecycle Segmentation: Target your audience based on where they are in the customer journey. For example, send welcome emails to new subscribers, loyalty rewards to regular buyers, and re-engagement emails to dormant customers.Tip: Set up automated email series that nurture leads at different stages of the buyer’s journey, like onboarding emails for new sign-ups or exclusive offers for loyal customers.

Have One Clear Goal:

Every email you send should have a singular, focused objective. When you have too many goals in one email, it dilutes your message and can confuse your audience. By focusing on a single goal, you guide your readers towards one specific action, increasing the likelihood that they’ll take it.

At Pixel Ideas, we believe that successful email marketing is about delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Our approach ensures that every email resonates on a personal level, whether it’s nurturing leads, boosting sales, or building lasting relationships

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