AMA: Increasing online reach for Ahmedabad Management Association

Monthly Impressions
0 K+
Monthly Reach
0 K+
Cost Per Lead
Organic Growth
0 %


AMA, with its fully functional campus located in Ahmedabad, offered all its courses on-site before the pandemic. However, with the outbreak of the pandemic, all activities had to be shifted to online platforms.

During this transition, the traditional marketing methods that AMA had relied on in the past were no longer effective. As a result, the main challenge was to find new ways to reach the same number of people using online platforms.


AMA had a goal of increasing their social media presence and leveraging their established offline reputation to improve their online presence. They aimed to reach a wider audience and promote their managerial courses through online platforms, with the ultimate goal of increasing enrollment during the pandemic.

The Solution

In response to AMA’s goal of increasing their social media presence and online enrollment during the pandemic, Pixel Ideas offered to take charge of AMA’s social media management across all platforms. Pixel Ideas aimed to build a visitor base that would result in a significant increase in enrollments for AMA.

To achieve this, the first step that Pixel Ideas took was to revamp AMA’s social media profiles. This involved creating new and engaging content, improving the visual appeal of the profiles, and optimizing the profiles for increased visibility and discoverability.

With these changes in place, Pixel Ideas then focused on increasing the organic reach of AMA’s social media content. This was done through various strategies, such as using trending hashtags, engaging with relevant communities and influencers, and creating shareable content.

Through these efforts, Pixel Ideas was able to significantly improve AMA’s social media presence, reach a wider audience, and ultimately drive an increase in online enrollment.

Execution & Result

To increase the reach of the page, we conducted a thorough analysis of the target audience and their preferences. Based on our research, we crafted a content strategy that aimed to resonate with our audience, offering them value in the form of educational and informative posts.

We also leveraged various social media tools to maximize our reach, such as using relevant hashtags, tagging relevant accounts, and joining relevant groups and communities. We also collaborated with influencers in the field to amplify our content and reach a wider audience.

As a result of our efforts, we saw a significant increase in our social media presence and engagement rates. Our flagship programmes also received a boost in visibility, generating higher interest and participation rates from the target audience. Overall, our strategy proved successful in achieving our goals and delivering tangible results for the AMA board.

Ahmedabad Management Association

AMA is one of the promoters and founder members of the All India Management Association, the apex body for the management profession in India, and has been collaborating and participating in all its educational and professional activities offered throughout the country. AMA today commands the highest respect and recognition from all quarter be it Business, Profession, Industry, Government or Academics. 

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